God can use even the greatest of skeptics to minister to others

Someone from Ukraine was attending June’s class at First Baptist and said, “Can we take what you are doing and go back to Ukraine and translate it and see how it might work?” So they decided to translate an inexpensive booklet first. Since very good reports came back from that trial run, we decided to do a full translation of all of our topics. That was back in 1996.

Continue ReadingGod can use even the greatest of skeptics to minister to others

I get the opportunity to listen to people who are struggling and share what God’s word says

it is kind of an exciting job because I never know what call it’s going to be. Somebody may be calling just saying, “hey pray for me.” You may get a call and their whole life may seem as it has just come apart at that moment.

Continue ReadingI get the opportunity to listen to people who are struggling and share what God’s word says