I recently started listening to your broadcasts online and your broadcasts about codependency hit me right between the eyes. I had heard about codependency but never really understood what it was. After listening to your broadcasts and reading your book, it helped explain to me after all these years (I am now 51 yrs old) why I struggled with personal relationships. I am the youngest of 12 siblings (6 girls and 6 boys) and when I was nine years old one of my brothers committed suicide in my dad's automotive garage, my dad found him the next day. Shortly thereafter my dad who was already an alcoholic started drinking A LOT heavier. My dad died when I was 12 yrs old. I never realized how our idolizing my dad was actually enabling my dad and how it also distorted our(my sisters and I) image of what a good Christian man and an example should be.
Since reading your book I have bought a couple extra copies for two of my sisters and pray God opens their eyes as He is doing mine. … I do read my bible every day, love to pray, and very involved in my church, but I find co-dependence is definitely a habit or an addiction and would like to continue growing in the right direction. Thank you June for such great counsel and biblical guidance that is thoroughly woven in your ministry. God bless you and all you do.