Does avoidance make the problem go away?
The push for perfection can put undue pressure on a blended family. There can be a tendency to shy away from problems…
The push for perfection can put undue pressure on a blended family. There can be a tendency to shy away from problems…
Blending a family is a complex process that takes time. Listen as June Hunt discusses realistic expectations as well as the normal stages experienced by blended families. Be encouraged—help is on the way!
There are times when our “help” is not helpful. Sometimes when a stepparent tries to help a stepchild, things don’t go as expected. One man discovers this truth today as he talks with June about ways to truly help his stepchildren.
Everyone wants a healthy, happy family. Yet some stepparents and children battle more than they bond. This leaves members of a blended family feeling like the walking wounded. How do you break this painful cycle? June Hunt offers insight into the thoughts and emotions that can sabotage a blended family.
Intentional or not, divorced parents can react in ways that hurt their children. With exes and stepparents in the mix, conflict and misunderstandings are bound to occur. How can stepparents build loving bridges and still enforce discipline? Listen as June Hunt offers biblical and practical solutions for blended families.
In any family, communication is a process. In a blended family, emotions can create chaos resulting in mixed messages…
God can turn losses into gains by multiplying relationships and shoring up support for scarred children…
While we dream of happily ever after, blending a family is a complex process—and it can come with some surprises. June Hunt helps us set realistic expectations and takes us through the stages experienced by blended families. Be encouraged—help is on the way!
There are times when our “help” is not helpful. Sometimes when a stepparent tries to help a stepchild, things just don’t go as expected. One man discovers this truth today as he talks with June about ways to truly help his future stepchildren.
In many families, teenagers and stepparents don’t get along. This very real dilemma is highlighted in today’s broadcast. As June Hunt talks with this mom, you’ll discover biblical principles and practical help that all of us can use in our relationships.