Dallas, Texas – June Hunt has been named the recipient of the National Religious Broadcasters Board of Directors Award for 2011.
The National Religious Broadcasters Board of Directors Award is presented annually to a Christian who demonstrates integrity, displays creativity and makes a significant impact on society. In recognition that broadcasting is not the only way to witness to the power of the Gospel, the award winner may or may not be in the field of electronic communications.
“June Hunt is an extraordinary visionary who saw needs within the Body of Christ and sought to meet them through the Lord’s provision,” said NRB President & CEO Dr. Frank Wright. “Not only has she developed an extraordinary counseling ministry which has placed many on the path to healing, but she has also constructed The Hope Center as a home for multiple Christian ministries.”
Celebrating its 25th Anniversary this year, June’s radio programs have expanded to more than 120 stations world-wide. Today, God is using June’s numerous books and counseling materials to reach more than 60 counties in 24 languages. Hope for the Heart is anchored in Christ hope – helping those in need by applying practical, scriptural answers to life’s most challenging questions. June continues to be as dedicated today to the core values of the ministry as she was when she first founded it – to be Relational, Empowering, Authentic, and Liberating. Hope for the Heart is committed to changing minds, changing hearts, and changing lives.