Use the widgets below to add Hope For The Heart to your blog or web site. To activate them, copy the code below the widget and place it in the HTML area of your web site. For a more specific example of how to add them to Blogger, GooglePages, WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal, see below.
Help Topics Widget: English Version
Do you have a website or blog?
Add this to your website to offer free and useful downloads for your visitors to share what the Bible says about the following topics.
Disponible en Español
Usted tiene un sitio web o blog?
Agregue esto a su sitio para ofrecer folletos gratuitos y útiles a sus visitantes para compartir lo que dice la Biblia sobre los siguientes temas.
Disponível em Português
Você tem um site ou blog?
Adicione isto ao seu site para fornecer topicos úteis e gratuitos para seus visitantes. Selecione o código abaixo e copiar.
How to install these widgets on…
If you are running the full version of WordPress, the widget code can be pasted into the template for your theme.
The widget code can be pasted into Joomla in one of two ways:
1) Into the template for the site by editing the HTML for that template (p. 158 of the Joomla User Manual – pdf)
2) As a ‘Site Module’ when edited in HTML mode (p. 129 of the Joomla User Manual – pdf )
Adding our widget to Drupal is a two-step process:
1) At the web site configuration level, the filter for user-authored content must be set to ‘Full HTML’ by default.
2) The widget code can be pasted directly into the web site template or a module
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