June Hunt on Boundaries

From lanes on a freeway to stripes on a soccer field, even children readily grasp the concept of physical boundaries. In everyday living, boundaries keep us safe ... mark the path ... eliminate confusion. But try applying boundaries to relationships and suddenly the obvious can seem obscure. Where do your rights end and mine begin? What if your pleasure causes me pain?

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June Hunt on Bonding with Your Teenagers through Boundaries

Imagine your first job out of college. The good news is that you’re hired! The difficult news is that you’ll be directing the junior high division of 600 in a mega-church, dealing with the quandaries and questions from teens . . . and their parents. (Oh, and you don’t have any formal training.) The predicament is easy for me to imagine because, at age 22, that job was . . . mine!

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June Hunt: Caring for a Loved One with Cancer

Like me, perhaps your life has been shaken by news that someone you love has cancer. Of course, this kind of diagnosis is alarming, especially if that “someone” is you—or, in my case, me. Having personally experienced cancer and also having had several people dear to my heart that have been down this precarious road, I know this for certain: A cancer diagnosis never loses its appalling punch.

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June 2011: Hope For The Heart Around the World

Just yesterday, I read the amazing story of “Aisha,”(Her name has been changed to protect privacy0 an Albanian teenager who was sent to a state-run orphanage at the tender age of three . . . after her parents’ tragic death in a car accident. Starving from being without food for days at a time, she lived in a cold, dark room with no electricity. For years, Aisha dreamed that someday someone would adopt her so she could have a family again. Sadly, that “someday” never came.

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