June Hunt on Sexual Integrity: “Balancing Passion with Purity”

Late one night, a 23-year-old student called our Hope In The Night radio program and confessed he was thinking about quitting pastoral training because of his battle with sexual temptation. He didn’t feel strong enough to resist sexual sin and believed he needed to abandon the call of God on his life rather than be hypocritical.

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June Hunt on Worry: “Don’t Worry—Cast Your Cares on Christ”

When I was 11 years old, my uncle invited me to visit him—by myself! His name was Charlie Lake, and I loved spending time with him, not just because he married my Aunt Swann (making her Swann Lake) but because he paid attention to me. He cared for me. Specifically, Uncle Charlie wanted to take me fishing... It took patient repetition—casting and arcing again and again—so that I could grasp the importance of casting. Soon I learned to cast toward tree roots and stumps where fish love to feed. And when I did, oh did we catch fish!

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“Anger: Act Rather than React”

People who know me don’t see me as an “angry person” and most of the time, I’m not. Yet, how well I remember that day. I opened my friend’s desk drawer (something I had never done before) to get a few paper clips. Within a few seconds, I stared at a letter to my dear friend, from her friend, bearing these words, written in an all-too-familiar hand: “We don’t need any more June Hunts in this world.” I was stunned ... hurt ... angry! Just an hour before, the writer of those words had shared these words of encouragement, “June, I’m really for you. I want to help. I want to support you in whatever way I can.” But now her words cut to the quick, wounding my heart.

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Bonding with Your Child through Boundaries

God promises that if you follow His truths for wholeness, you will have a transformed life. Through the power of Christ, the dysfunctional family patterns of your past can be healed in the present, offering you hope for the future. Don’t be a prisoner of your past. Find your way out of the darkness. Through the power of Christ in you, let your past be past and press on to a future filled with hope.

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Finding Your Way Back to Functional

God promises that if you follow His truths for wholeness, you will have a transformed life. Through the power of Christ, the dysfunctional family patterns of your past can be healed in the present, offering you hope for the future. Don’t be a prisoner of your past. Find your way out of the darkness. Through the power of Christ in you, let your past be past and press on to a future filled with hope.

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Ethics & Integrity: “The Same in the Dark as in the Light”

“Do you consider yourself a person of integrity?” Ethics is the study of various systems of right and wrong conduct. It examines good and bad motives, judgments, and consequences. People of moral integrity are not double-minded. They don’t pretend to have virtues that don’t exist. Their minds, wills, and emotions are congruent—not at odds.

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Friendship: A Treasured Gift from God

Is the need for true friendship the cry of your heart right now? Then I want to challenge you to reach out and invest in the special love of friends...friends with whom you can share your joys and sorrows, your fun times and times of deepest heartache...friends with whom you will be both challenged and strengthened in the Lord.

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